General Assembly

Workshop Facilitator

Pitched, Developed & Instructed Design Workshop

As a design manager, we had a show and tell session weekly with tips and tricks from experience. One of the session topics was about seeking inspiration from traditional design principals for web design. In particular we looked at magazine layout and the similarities this has to web layout. The success of that session led to replicating a similar workshop for design students at General Assembly. 

With no such curriculum in place, the topic was pitched through network connections and eventually approved to be taught from the Santa Monica campus. There was a 90% turnout for RSVPs and students generally found the information interesting and informative, relative to their particular skillset. 


A learning lesson from this workshop is that some students struggled to comprehend how the topics related to their course study. Which drew the conclusion that the content may be easier understood for working design professionals who can apply the topics to their day-to-day creative tasks.

Top Skills: Instructor, Group Facilitation, Curriculum Development, Graphic Design Principals, Communication


Workshop Presentation

To help guide the conversation this presentation shares relative design history and fundamentals then ends with a hands-on session.


Instructor Bio

Featured on the General Assembly website with referral links and details about design background.