In 2-3 paragraphs, please describe the mission statement of your company.
This can be likened to an About Us.
Please list 3-5 direct competitor companies - including URLs.
What differentiates your company and services from these competitors?
How is your company unique?
Please also notate a few indirect competitors.
Aside from 'proof of concept' please list any other business objectives we should know about.
If you could detail the #1 business goal of this website, what would it be?
What will make this iteration of the website a success?
Are there any long-term company goals that should be considered in the website design or development?
Who are the target market users for your website? Describe the primary users, secondary users, tertiary users, and any others.
Not necessarily the proof of concept users.
Describe the persona and demographics of just your Primary User.
Generally the demographics of your target market. Why are they visiting your site? Are they Male vs. Female? What is their Age, Job Title, Income, etc.?
Who will be your proof of concept users? Versus your target market users?
We imagine they may be slightly different.
Is there anything we need to specifically address for the proof of concept users?
Name 3 or more websites you visit often. What do you like about the user experience of these sites?
Any sites you frequent for business or personal.
Name at least 1 site you think has a horrible user experience.
What is bad about this site?
Name 5 or more key words that describe the feeling you would like people to have when landing on your website.
e.g. sophisticated, clean, modern, etc.
Of the competitors listed above, describe what you like and dislike about the branding and website of each.
Please list 3 sites you like the Home Page of.
What intrigues you most? Include URLs or screenshots if possible.
Notate 3 sites you like the My Account page of.
Include URLs or screenshots if possible.
List 3 sites you think incorporates Video Content in good way.
Include URLs or screenshots if possible.
Are there any Survey examples you have seen which you think are good?
Include URLs or screenshots if possible.
Are there any colors you prefer to use in designing the branding of your website?
Are there any colors that you despise, which we should stay away from when designing your site?
If there are examples of a type of photography or illustration you prefer, please list links or provide screenshots.