Surfrider Foundation, LA Chapter

Chapter Co-Chair + Volunteer Coordinator

Chapter Leadership, Business Management & Fundraising

Volunteer Co-Chair for the busy West Los Angeles / Malibu chapter of Surfrider Foundation. Provided strategic business management and marketing expertise to the day to day administration of volunteer base, chapter memberships, donations & partnerships, event production, fundraisers, monthly beach cleanups, and much more.

Represented the national organization at regional and international events supporting environmental efforts. Participated in several programs and campaigns including Rise Above Plastics, Plastic the Real Sea Monster, Ocean Friendly Gardens, Malibu Lagoon Restoration, and others. 

Implemented a communication strategy and led conversation at events, that resulted in doubling the volunteer database in one year's time, and raising $70K in funds (see resume for additional details). 

Top Skills: Communication, Event Planning, Media Relations, Marketing, Social Media, MailChimp, Graphic Design

At a beach cleanup in Malibu, CA

At a beach cleanup in Malibu, CA


Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival

Without a public waste management system, the people of Dominican Republic toss most of their trash in the ocean – leaving beaches covered in garbage and the water undrinkable. To bring awareness to recycling efforts, we represented Surfrider as guests of Plastic Pollution Coalition at the first Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival, with a Plastic the Real Sea Monster demonstration at a school in Santa Domingo.

Lisa Boyle from Plastic Pollution Coalition, meeting President Leonel Fernández

Lisa Boyle from Plastic Pollution Coalition, meeting President Leonel Fernández

With President Leonel Fernández and creator of the Sea Monster program, Amy Lay

With President Leonel Fernández and creator of the Sea Monster program, Amy Lay

Photo journal of our trip which we later shared to the social community:


The Arbor Collective concert

Many local businesses, artists, musicians and the like support the organization – offering fantastic partnership opportunities for fundraisers and networking events. This event drew the attention of band on the rise, Capital Cities

With activist Hope Selevan and Surfrider supporter, actor Ross Thomas


Aviator Nation Fundraiser

Attracting people of all ages, events provide activists with a platform for spreading the Surfrider mission and sign-up volunteers. Venice founded clothing line Aviator Nation, offered their flagship store as an event venue on several occasions and were happy to support with merchandise for raffles. 


'minds in the Water' Premiere

Represented Surfrider at the Artivist Film Festival in partnership with the Huntington Beach chapter, for the Hollywood premiere of documentary film 'Minds in the Water'.


Social Management

Established and led initial community management strategy for chapter social channels, primarily through the Facebook page. Increased fan base by 1000s and developed a campaign to rename the chapter to Surfrider LA, which helped interested supporters in knowing they can get involved outside of West Los Angeles and Malibu.  


Various Events

Led production and management of monthly and seasonal events, in partnership with local and national businesses.