Discovery: Website UX/UI Inspiration
The following examples are intended to engage in a conversation about preferences on design and functionality, while identifying trends and strategy, to move forward with in the VO|CO website creation.
Video Background
These sites use a full-frame short format video clip as the background to their site.
Video Content / Blog Strategy
These sites have a unique and successful content strategy - focusing on video.
Design Style
Here we look at a layout style for inspiration.
Navigation / Parallax Scroll
A unique navigation is on-trend with top brands.
Subtle Animation / Other
To add an extra level of engagement, and a polished look, the site can have subtle animation throughout.
Curated Social Content
These are good examples of applying an engaging content strategy to branded social posts.
Process / Next Steps
UX Process
Stakeholder Questionnaire
- Discovery Presentation
- Content Strategy
- Site Map
- Wireframe Design
UI Design
- Homepage Design Direction
- Full UI Design (all pages)
- Responsive Design Comps
- Production Design
Web Development
- WordPress Theme
- Responsiveness
- Animations / Parallax
- Testing / Debugging
Content / Other
- Copy Writing
- Project Producing
- Photography
- Videography
- Content Upload